ABDO 31 : 49M With fever and right upper quadrant pain
49M With fever and right upper quadrant pain
Select option
A - Hepatic Metastasis
B - Hemangiomas
C - Multicentric hepatoma
D - Hepatic abscesses
click for answer
CT reveals enhancing lesions in the left lobe (Segment III and IVB) with peripheral enhacement, minimal halo of edema, and central liquefaction; these are classic signs of hepatic abscesses
Also note the enlarged appendix in the right subhepatic aspect with slightly thickened wall.
Liver abscesses appear as peripherally enhancing, centrally hypoattenuating lesions. One can also appreciate the double target sign on these images, the inner wall represents the enhancing wall of the abscess while the outer hypoattenuating rim represents the edema in the surrounding liver parenchyma.
Common reasons for liver abscess are amoebiasis, especially in developing countries, or bacterial infections from another source.